Management Philosophy
(1) Basic Principle
Since the foundation in 1950, we have consistently handled cutting tools and wear resistant tools, and observed the growth of Japanese manufacturing industry, "monozukuri".
We have contributed to the monozukuri with the slogan of productivity improvement.
We will constantly strive to provide our service with professional suggestions to improve productivity of the monozukuri, which is the main industry of Japan, based on our basic principle, "contribution to the society by helping our clients improve their productivity with our products".
(2) Basic Policy
"Advanced specialized trading company which contributes to the productivity improvement"
This means we are specialized in contributing to our client's productivity improvement and that we are a highly qualified trading company with technical advice.
"Establishing one-of-a-kind business model"
Though there are some other companies in the same business, we devise a strategy with being conscious of what others don't do or can't do. By doing this we are establishing the business model with original features and we truly believe it creates the one and only management.
"Top of the global enterprise in the niche market"
Carbide tool is a generic name for cutting tools, wear resistant tools, and other tools made of hard metal and it is a particular field of machine tools. It is highly important because it would be impossible to produce automobiles, airplanes, and other products without the carbide tools. Thus, the market of the carbide tools is all over the world. In this niche yet global market, we will keep making efforts to be the top distributor of products that we handle with confidence and pride.
(3) Business Development Policy
Our group has expanded business by selling cutting tools face to face as a main product of our commodities and by contributing to the productivity improvement of manufacturers inside and outside of the country. We will develop business to keep ensuring a profit even in hard times, with following policies.
"Advancing into overseas market"
Domestic manufacturers have moved their production base overseas because of the stagnation of Japanese economy and the rapid growth of emerging countries. We Cominix positively develop our business overseas to respond to the demand of Japanese companies aiming at the emerging market such as China and other Asian countries.
"Raising the wear resistant tool business and the optical product business"
We have developed business not only in the cutting tool field but also in new fields. We have expanded business into the wear resistant tool field, the optical product field, and the environment-related fields based on our basic principles, "contribution to the improvement of our client's productivity".